Hi guys,
guess what, the internship is DONE! Report is condluded, work is done, so I packed my stuff and on the 30th of June Herbert and I started our epic road trip to Washington D.C. Unfortunately I don't have pictures transferred on my computer yet, (please be lenient with me) so I'll just add some random internet images.
We arrived late afternoon to be greeted by one of my old indian friends, Akshay, who was so kind as to let us stay at his place for two nights. Next day we pretty much did the tourist-tour rushing through all the marvellous sights DC has to offer, as we would leave already the next day. So we visited the Obama's residence (White House), the capitol, the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial (picture), and several museums of the Smithsonian institution. I strongly recommend checking them out if you get the chance, especially the one for natural history!
On Thursday we headed out to Philadelphia and were greeted by very narrow streets and insanely expensive parking costs ($7.5 for 30 minutes!). The Indipendence Hall and the Independence Bell are the main attractions within the old city, the rest we spared ourselfes.
On Friday it was time to say good bye to my roommate to continue on to Boston, Massachusets, where I am right now. It's independence day and i reckon a lot will be happing today in this city. So I'll end here and might leave a post once I get to New York.