Sunday, May 6, 2012

Come by, say hi

Greetings everyone,

just wanted to give a quick update on my new home in Melbourne. It is a two-floor house fairly close to campus (about 30mins via public transport, which in Melbourne terms is close) in the district of Kensington. I live there with two befriending Chinese people: one of them working, the second one studying as an accountant at RMIT university (the other university in Melbourne).

The Pictures above show (top left to bottom right): (1) Apartment from outside, (2) my room, (3) the living room, (4) the kitchen, (5) the garden behind the house, (6) the owners' chicken. I'll introduce my roommates another time. Have a good Sunday!,



  1. Looks very cozy ... unbelievable you are going to work anyway ;-) ...

  2. Unfortunately I can not work from home, unless someone builds me an outrageously expensive clean laboratory next door. :D
