Hello people,
how are you guys doing? It's been a while since my last entry. I apologize for getting a little bit sloppy in keeping you updated. Mainly it's because Iam really busy writing report and doing lab stuff right now, as well as runnning samples on the mass spec (really takes a lot of time just for some data, i'm telling you!) So what exiting things happened over the last few days?Well, lectures are over now and there was a HUGE graduation celebration at Drew's place (my advisor) with lots of food, beer and interesting conversations. On the photo photo on the right you can see the charming baby blue gradutations costumes people were to match UNC colors when they graduate (freshly baked geology bachelors!).
So Mitchell Hall (geology department) has been quite empty, which is quite nice for working. However there is summer school going on (this spanish teacher who has lectures right next the office I work in has kind of an annoying voice).
Besides work, my roommate Herbert and I were hanging out on Franklin Street a couple of times. Once we went to a comedy night in one of the bars called Jack Sprat Café which was a lot of fun. They also have an Irish pub there which is really awesome.
Last sunday we went for a some hiking to Eno River State Park, which is only a couple of miles away from Chapel Hill.
Long time ago Indians of the Eno, Shakori, and Occoneechee tribes, lived along the river when the first European explorers passed through. And somewhere around Durham there is a village where you can still find Native American people!
Alright, that is it for now I gotta do some more writing (it's a pain, but it must be done).
Love ya!