Hi Folks,
this Friday Herbert and I invited some people over to our place for the Combined German Food and Movie Night (fancy title, huh?). We had some potatoe salad (my first time trying to make one) and I was pleased to see that our guests liked it. :D Due to lack of Vienna sausages we had use hotdog-imposters and of course (!) mustard (an absolute must for a German potatoe salad *g*).
To complete the evening we watched a movie somewhat relating to my home country: Inglorious Basterds. It's a film by Quentin Tarentino, who is well known for his unique film plots and screenplay arrangements. His films tend to polarize people into one group loving his creation and another one that can absolutely get nothing out of his works. Since the German Nazi's were being protrayed as evil villians who would get what was coming to them at the end of the movie the audience felt quite pleased. Interestingly enough the actors were actually speaking German (with an American accent), which I think was interesting to watch.At the weekend nothing too much exciting happend, except that I went out with Herbert and a couple of his friends saturday night to watch a box fight in Raleigh. Always fun to meet new people during these occasions. Unfortunately I thereby missed the opportunity for a pool party but I guess there will be plenty more occasions for this!
That's it for the time being, I should really return to work now, only six weeks left!
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