Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Anadarko Symposium

Hey people,

sorry for the lack of news, but unfortunately my computer became infected with an annoying virus, messing up my Windows system files during the removal. Not very easy to re setup your system with neither a CD-Rom drive nor a Windows CD but somehow I managed to restore an old system status. ;) So thankfully everything is back to normal now, enabeling me to give you a brief summary over the last recent activities.
As the title already implies, this post has something to do with a symposium which was held last Friday, and some of you might now be thinking "What on earth is this Anadarko thingy?" To clarify things, the UNC geological sciences department is hosting a yearly symposium along with the Anadarko Petrolium Coorporation, which in fact is one of the world’s largest independent oil and gas exploration and production companies. Every year in April, students and future PhDs are presenting their findings in a short presentation each. The fruitful collaboration exists six years already and will continue to go on at least a few years longer.
Afterwards around 20 geologists went to have some drinks and chit chat in one of Carrboros (small town within walking distance from Chapel Hill) notorius bars built on an old railway track (it's called The Station). We talked and laughed quite a lot, it was fun.
It would be really nice to have some equivalent in Jena as well, even though everyone was really busy because of all the preparations going on.

I'll catch you later!


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